Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Let us look at the functions of the various organs in our body. It is a wonder that God had made each organ in our body for its specific function and the concerned organ performs that task throughout the life without asking for anything in return. The least we can do therefore is not to abuse these organs. We abuse these organs by the intake of too much of junk and fried foods. Even if they are abused each of these organ tries to adjust as much as possible and works till its last.

HEART : Heart is one of the most important organs in our body. It does the job of a motor pump. Its function is to pump the blood throughout the body. The blood is the conveyor of energy and nutrition to the various organs in the body and therefore is vital. Heart pumps this blood through the arteries that supply pure blood to the various parts and impure blood is brought from various parts of the body to the heart through the veins. The heart is the size of one’s fist present slightly to the left side of our chest. The arteries, after they start from the heart, branch out in several smaller strands to reach every nook and corner of the body. The heart has four chambers two on the left and two on the right. Two chambers are for impure blood and two are for the pure blood. The heart also gets the blood from these arteries.

The main problems connected with the heart are; holes in the valves between the chambers and thickening of the arteries due to the deposition of fat tissues on the arterial walls which are actually cholestrol deposition. The latter is more common and this is what we shall address in this column that can cause heart attacks. The heart can maintain blood flow even when the artery is blocked to 70% without any trouble. If the blockage is more than 70% then some individuals feel what is known as Angina or commonly known as chest pains. If this blockage is allowed to worsen with unrestricted intake of fat ( cholestrol & triglycerides ) then it may lead to heart attack with blood clot taking place in the constricted area of the arteries. This will stop the flow of blood to the heart and cause the deficient area to die. This may prove fatal.

Symptoms : When one gets the angina or chest pain in the left side of the chest with pain radiating to the shoulders and arms along with palpitation, sweating, and shortness of breath then one needs to consult the doctor. An ECG ( Electro Cardiogram ) will reveal whether there has been a heart attack.

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