Sunday, November 18, 2007


In India particularly Medical Service is somewhat inadequate to cater to the needs of the ailing public. Government Hospitals in India are badly maintained and the quality of medical service offered are mediocre. Private Medical Clinics and Hospitals are too costly and are beyond the reach of the common man. For a patient consulting a doctor today there is his consultancy charges, diagnostic referrals and testing charges, the cost of several visits to the doctors that are a great burden. A person who does not have the medical benefit facilities provided by his employer or who is not covered by any medical insurance cannot meet the medical costs for himself and his family. The clinics and the hospitals treat the patient as a mechanical device and more often do not aim to identify the causes of the disease but to meet their marketing targets. They divulge little or no information about the patient's condition which he is entitiled to know. With the advent of multi-speciality hospitals nowadays, there are not many General Practitioner's clinic available in the neighbourhood and the concept of family physician of yesteryears has vanished. Your heart speciallist will not handle your queries regarding your stomach problems and instead refer you to a gastroentrologist. This gastroentrologist will not listen to you unless you come to him again with your endoscopy and abdominal scan reports. Similarly for a complaint on nect pain you are referred to an ortho and for a headache you are referred to a neuro.

With all these, your symptoms continue with more drain on your financial resources, not to speak of your mental agony. You are finally left to fend for yourselves, pcik up tips from here and there, become your own doctor and cure yourself.

This blog therefore invites your comments. You can also air your symptoms and experiences so that fellow readers can learn and share their opinions. This may aid in finding a solution to illness. But at the same time one must note that the opinions given may not be expert advices and are only a pointer to one to take steps to cure oneself.

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