Thursday, December 6, 2007


There are some problems in the world which affect the health of the people.

POLLUTION : Today’s environment is not the same what it was 25 years ago. That time it was not the same it was 50 years ago. Today there are more factories producing various goods. There are more vehicles on the roads. While one may argue that they have made life more comfortable, these have created their own problems also. Factories have contributed a great deal to air & water pollution, which have affected the quality of air we breathe and the water we consume. Vehicle exhausts have increased the level of toxicity in the air and affected our atmosphere. Affected parts are our lungs and respiratory system.

STRESS : Our work atmosphere has become more fast-paced and complicated thereby contributing to the stress, both physically and mentally. This stress has given rise to lot of health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke, spondilytis, gastric disorders etc.
Stress is basically a resistance of our mind to something. Our expectations are many and if the happenings are different from our expectations we develop stress. Some amount of stress is actually good for us as it makes us to pursue something in life. But in today’s complicated world there are many stress producers. Stress can be tackled by meditation. Meditation is the single biggest remedy for stress. Other stress busters are change in lifestyle, walking, exercising etc.
Cacophony of noises through television also produces stress particularly in Children. Adults too can get affected by it in a passive way though they may not be watching children’s programmes.

IMPURE FARM OUTPUTS: Due to indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides by some farmers the vegetables and fruits have high level of toxicity which when consumed can created disorders. Often we find colour variations in vegetables, their tastes etc. which are a result of pesticides/fertilizers misuse or overuse.

LACK OF GENERAL HYGIENE: People in some places do not follow hygiene. They throw garbage onto the roads. They spit, urinate and defecate at all places. Water is allowed to accumulate in open grounds which breed mosquitoes and other insects which cause deadly diseases. In some places the gutters and sewers are open causing bad breath and harmful bacteria that can spread many types of diseases.

VANISHING NATURE: Nature is being repeatedly abused instead of being preserved. Forests are destroyed to satisfy the greed of a few individuals. Animals are shot for their skins and their body parts again for money, thereby making some species extinct. All these play havoc with the cycle of nature. Trees in cities are felled to make way for roads, but not enough are planted to compensate their loss. Rivers are drying up causing water scarcity and killing aquatic life.

CHANGING SOCIAL ORDERS: There are a lot of things changing socially. There is materialism all around with money as the chief ambition in life. Joint family system is breaking down to give way for smaller families. The cases of divorces between husband and wife are increasing. Good age-old values are becoming obsolete and there are no takers for these values among today’s younger generation. It is as if people enter into this kind of life though they know that it spells doom for them. Violence and crimes are on the rise. People are self-centered and do not care for their neighbours or the fellow citizens. Drinking and drug abuse are on the rise and young are becoming victims of these vices.

One mention here has to be made about smoking. There has been such a widespread campaign against smoking that probably has reduced this phenomenon among the people. Otherwise smoking has lead to innumerable problems affecting health. Similarly successful campaign is the one against HIV and AIDS which did produce appreciable results.

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