Thursday, February 26, 2009


Ever since the advent of Corporate Hospitals, the human beings have become a saleable commodity for the Doctors. There is a lot of insensitivity in handling the patients. The soothing touch is sadly lacking. In the name of comfort, lot of things are provided for except the curing (and caring) hand. Doctors are under increasing pressure from their Hospital Marketing personnel to keep the beds always occupied and to look for ways to increase revenue for the hospital.

Earlier the body temperature and pulse rates of the patients were taken by the Doctors. Today even the nurses consider it below their dignity to handle these. Nowadays, in many Hospitals these are left to the trainee nurses, that too in the ICU. Witness the harsh words of the nurses nowadays, that which was a noble, respected profession. True, they were not earning much and their work was considered was menial, but I have known patients who have worshipped them as Gods and Godesses.

I wonder whether the costly and exalted instruments which they use do really contribute to the recovery of the patients. Just like, a jail is supposed to reform the criminals, not increase their antagonization, the same way, a hospital is supposed to cure the patients. Is it happening?.